New nephew = instant happiness!

My new (and first!) nephew, Benjamin Davis was born yesterday (June 28th). 8lbs 10oz of tiny barrel-chested cuteness. As soon as I knew my sister in law was in labor, I was  struck by an immediate feeling of excitement, mixed with another feeling, anxiety. I had no idea when he would be born, if he would be heathy, if my sister in law would be healthy, and then a general feeling of unease and anxious unrest. I even forced myself to attend a yoga class (on a Sunday!) to try and ease some of the nervous energy. All of of energy disappeared the moment I saw my perfect nephew. Holding him in my arms, seeing his little features and sweet baby coos and silly piggy snorts, I fell in love instantly.

Flash forward to today, and my little guy was all I could think about, talk about, as I constantly found a way to bring him up in conversation. I must have been a total nightmare to my coworkers.

So to my little buddy Bennyboo, welcome to the world. I love you so much already.



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