
Showing posts from June, 2015

New nephew = instant happiness!

My new (and first!) nephew, Benjamin Davis was born yesterday (June 28th). 8lbs 10oz of tiny barrel-chested cuteness. As soon as I knew my sister in law was in labor, I was  struck by an immediate feeling of excitement, mixed with another feeling, anxiety. I had no idea when he would be born, if he would be heathy, if my sister in law would be healthy, and then a general feeling of unease and anxious unrest. I even forced myself to attend a yoga class (on a Sunday!) to try and ease some of the nervous energy. All of of energy disappeared the moment I saw my perfect nephew. Holding him in my arms, seeing his little features and sweet baby coos and silly piggy snorts, I fell in love instantly. Flash forward to today, and my little guy was all I could think about, talk about, as I constantly found a way to bring him up in conversation. I must have been a total nightmare to my coworkers. So to my little buddy Bennyboo, welcome to the world. I love you so much already. Xoxo,...

Day after insomnia

So last night I got all of 2 hours of sleep. It's even surprising that I got those two hours! I am in a weird funk and I can't seem to move on or to shake it. Help?

Insomnia again!

Oh hello insomnia, how awful of you to join me. It's now Monday, 3am. I have slept all of 0 hours tonight. I knew I might have issues sleeping tonight, as I typically do on Sunday nights. However, I was not expecting to not sleep at all. At what point do you call it a draw and give in to insomnia? In all honesty, i'm pretty sure i'm at that point. Right now, i'm supposed to be in dream land, with my alarm going off in 3 1/2 hours. However, here I am. Maybe I should use this time to do something creative. Perhaps I should work on some things that have been put on the back burner for the last few weeks. Oh, why does this keep happening? Perhaps I wasn't tired. Perhaps the four giant glasses of iced tea actually had an effect on me. Maybe I even got too much sleep last night. All I know, is i'm not supposed to be awake right now, but I am. I'm most nervous about making it through the day. I've already canceled my yoga class, but i'll probably ...


So, tomorrow is my birthday. The last few months have been pretty hard for me, a big part of the reason I haven't been posting. Unlike all other years, I've set my hopes low for this birthday. This way, if good things happen or good wishes come my way, I'll be able to appreciate the unexpected. If not, here's to 28. Hopefully it'll be a better year than 27.